Sunday, October 2, 2011

Like it, Love it, Steer Clear of it- Week 4

Like it
Lions (+1) vs. Cowboys

I really like the Lions this year; I see them winning this game by a Field goal.  Hard to trust Romo who could go down at any minute, because of his broken ribs and collapsed lung.  The Lions front four can get after a QB, Suh also has a history of trying to kill a QB.  The Cowboys should be able to thrown on the Lions if their offensive line can give Romo time.  However, the Lions are the better team and will show that today, but winning this game.

Love it
 Bills (-3) vs. Bengals

Bills haven’t lost to the Bengals in forever and I don’t see it happening this week.  The Bills have an elite offense, which is also a balance offensive and their defense is better then last year. The Bengals have a top 3 defense this year but they have yet to play a good offense.  The Bills should be able to impose their will on offense, and keep the Bengals in check. 

Steer Clear of it
Vikings (-3) vs. Chiefs

This game scares solely because neither team has established an identity.  The Vikings can’t play four quarters, the have lead every game they have been in this year only to collapse in the second half.  The Chiefs have lost a few guys on both sides of the ball and it’s hard to see what they are going to be.  I believe the Vikings will win the game but it’s too iffy to make that call.

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