Tuesday, November 29, 2011

BCS: More like Show Me the Money

Dear MR. NCAA,

I am sick and tired of hearing about the BCS.  You make the claim that going to a playoff system would water down the regular season. You make the claim that every game means something…I will stop right there.   Personally, I don’t see how a playoff system would water down the regular season.  I don’t see how it is okay to have a playoff system at every other level. I guess D-IA (aka FCS)-D3 mean nothing, the only level that you don’t want watered down is D-I aka FBS.  The claim that every game impacts the BCS standing is just a lie.  This coming weekend (or should I say week, since the only two days teams don’t play games are Sunday and Monday, but only when there is NFL football, otherwise any day is fair game) not ONE single game will have an impact on the BCS standing.  This year could turn into a mess, I for one don’t want to see and LSU-Bama rematch for the title. Why you ask? We’ve been there done that already. It’s was late in the season, if it was earlier in the year I would be all for it, but not now.  So I am here today to propose a playoff system that I believe could work, it might even make more money than the current system.  We all know the only thing the NCAA cares about is money. So here goes nothing.
My idea is a 16-team playoff system, starting a week after the conference championship games and ending either the first weekend in January or some time that week.  This would help the teams because a month layoff hurts timing that the team develops over the year. Oh wait, you don’t care about the game you want to hear about the money. Sorry I will get to that for you, Mr. NCAA. This system would yield a total of 15 games.  Each game could use a current bowl game for its title, since we don’t need any more bowl games.  This is the part you will like this allows you or whoever charges the company to attach their name to a bowl more money.  Which allows for a bigger TV contract since all the games are bundled together, again more money.  Also, the playoff system would allow for the game to be decided on the field, and not on a computer or a coach who ranks his own team.  This would also allow for all other bowl games to be played, but for the love of God stop with all the bowl games.  I love football but I don’t want to see two 6-6 teams battle it out.  The bowls should be a privilege not a right, and right now more than half of D-I teams make a bowl game. This is the first grade where everyone gets a ribbon for taking part.
I am open for ideas on how to come up with the 16 teams.  My idea is to use the BCS standing (I know the NCAA does not want to get rid of it) that takes the top 16 teams.  But like the current rules no more than 2 teams per conference, be willing to up it to 3.  No more AQ, unless every conference gets one.  No teams should have the right to play in the post season because they were the best in their conference at 6-6, I am looking at you UCLA, who would be the Pac-12 rep if they beat Oregon, but that’s a really big IF, but anything can happen.
So to recap
1.      16 team playoff
2.      More money
3.      Chance for more money
4.      BCS can still be used
5.      Did I say more money?

Thank You,

A concerned NCAA fan
Also a retired D3 football player (Can I get some kind of pension)

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